AuthorBill Wolak has just published his fifteenth book of poetry entitled The Nakedness Defense with Ekstasis Editions. His collages have appeared recently in Naked in New Hope 2017, The 2017 Seattle Erotic Art Festival, Poetic Illusion, The Riverside Gallery, Hackensack, NJ, the 2018 Dirty Show in Detroit, and 2018 The Rochester Erotic Arts Festival.
In the whispering numbers, the halting, faltering sun spinning around earth as if Galileo were wrong. For punishment the drunk you live with. The tree decorated, gifts of Magi apportioned beneath artificial boughs laden with the ornaments they gave you when you let go of their menorah, stopped thinking only One king could rule a place fallen from where birds come to perch. The juncos control your ticker though no snow falls here. You can barely make out what it is the marrow clings to in order to cheat its bone. |